new NFT solution has emerged that essentially solves the limitations of the existing NFT, which has often been criticized as ‘trading receipts of artwork only.’
<PABNFT> is a new form of NFT marketplace where you can draw Pixel Art directly and trade the land (tile) on which you can draw pictures directly in NFT format.
In <PABNFT>, (1) You can draw Pixel Art directly with an exclusive editor beyond the limits of the existing NFT. (2) You can sell tiles in NFT format at the price you want. If you draw or buy a high-value Pixel Art, you can sell it at a higher price in the future. (3) It provides the game-style interface with a form of an online map. (4) Tiles that can be drawn are like real estate prices, and the closer they are to the center, the higher the price is. (5) Instead of indirectly recording your work on NFT, you can upload the original Pixel Art file to the blockchain (in NFT code) and store it. (6) If you own tiles, you can get donations and comments from other users with Ethereum and aim for additional revenue. (7) Tiles are ERC-721 standard NFT and can be traded on other NFT exchanges such as OpenSea.
Now that the service has just opened, only a tiny amount of tiles (NFT tokens) are being minted and sold. Meet the real NFT that pursues the essence of blockchain at <PABNFT>. And if you're a Pixel Artist, come in and draw anything!
Please come in first! Fun and profit are waiting for you.